The Identity-Proof Issue

One Website, One Person

Posted by Robert Lash Jr on January 24, 2019

Why 1 website 1 person?

Your address, phone number, email, SSN and the many other pieces of data that digitally describe you and are best controlled by you, all need to be in one place, that place should be your digital source of truth, your website. Your website and these critical pieces of digital data that describe you are so important that they will be bonded and verivied by various federal and local government agencies. This is the basis for One Website Each.

One side of the answer is that my server is connected to my father's server is connected to my sister's server is connected to my work's server is connected to my town's server (proof 1).

The other side of the answer is that your server is connected to your wife's server is connected to your brother's server is connected to your state's motor vehicle server is connected to your library's server (proof 2).

Then we can connect our servers, using One Website Each's identity distributed ledger technology, IDTL

A distributed identity platform with the capability to let you know, with confidence, that your server is connected to my server.

Nick's Proof ----- Sarah's Proof The answer is not the current (many to one Authority) Identity Design Pattern, it's a (many to many) Identity Design Pattern.

Why would Amazon or Craigslist build another site that describes them a different way, they wouldn't because their identity is their website. A corporation is person, so they say, now it's time for a person to incorporate.

Can we all agree that the current paradigm of multiple data aggregators does not scale?

This is a big change that's going to require standards, we are starting to write them with regard to the individual.