The One Website Each Platform Is All About The Individual

With One Website Each, the individual owns and controls their data in one place, all the way from their name, address and resume to their pictures, posts and comments. One place for it all, backed up and bonded, in perpetuity.

Posted by Robert Lash Jr on February 2, 2019

One website with one database. An individuals information and the people they're connected to are secured with a trusted, peer to peer identity system that sits on top of an equally secure content management system. Easily and safely connect and share your personal information with your family, friends and those you transact with. Software engineers maintain this underlying technology for you.

The key is that everyone of your connections/friends run their own website with the One Website Each platform on top, it's that simple. You have your own website, you own it, control it, and all it contains. Think of it in terms of Facebook, you can do everything you do there, accept, each person's data is stored on their own website/server, the difference, no middle man. Your website, storing your precious, prized, and priceless personal information.

"But I can't run a website" you say, it's not that hard, in fact, you're already maintaining and administering websites, a lot of them, their just not yours.

In todays world an individual interacts with websites like Facebook, Linkedin and so on, One Website Each calls these applications the Data Aggregators:

  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Google
  • And so on...
Our devices (phone, laptop or computer) communicate with these Data Aggregators listed above.

What do we have to do?
  • We create an account on their website.
  • We administer the account on their website.
  • We post all our precious data and thoughts on their website.
What do we get?
  • We get to share our thoughts with each other.
  • We get to share our pictures and videos with each other.
  • We get to connect with each other.

All of this is a wonderful thing and we are thankful for it, it was a great first step.

What do we give up?
  • We give up the rights to our pictures, videos, everything we enter in their website.
  • We give up the privacy of who we are connected to.
  • We give up the privacy of all our shared thoughts.

In other words we give up the rights to all our data. Every website we have an account with requires us to enter our information into their application. This is repeated over and over and over again for each website.

Having a One Website Each website
  • Important data is stored in your website that defines you, like date of birth, name, address, resume, profile. Instead of entering this information over and over again, we simply point all our accounts to the source of truth, our Personal Information System, One Website Each.
  • A personal email server and Contact list, owned and controlled completely by you on your server using the One Website Each platform.
  • All of this running on the same application, your connection to the world and the source of truth for your digital, personal information.
  • Imagine moving and simply updating your address in your personal information system, One Website Each, thus updating all your connected accounts with the press of a button.
  • Imagine loosing or getting a new credit card, with One Website Each you simply update your card information and all your connected accounts are now up to date and using the new card.
  • This is what One Website Each offers, this is the future.

Another feature is a Personal Wall, running on your own website, that combines all the people you are connected to and their Posts, Comments, Pictures and Videos. This feed compiles all the up to date information from each of your friends and families personal websites and combines it in a continous feed in your application.

There is a front end and a backend:
  • The front end shows only what you want the world to see, it is also the portal and gateway for the ouside world to get to you.
  • The backend is where you will spend most of your time:
    • Connecting and chatting with friends.
    • Saving, sharing and commenting on pictures and video.
    • Interacting with accounts, businesses and government entities.
    • Your own private, personl network

All without a man in the middle, you own it all. Now all your interactions are stored only on your personally owned and trusted server.

With this platform our servers are connected peer to peer. No middlemen, you and I control our interaction and we decide what we store and share with each other or the world.

One Website Each
  • Our mission: Come up with new ways of communicating and new ways to share. Utilize the internet as it was intended, using what we like to call, "The Right Way".
  • We realize there’s a fundamental truth to our nature, people need to communicate and share, and this is the point of living.